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Tree Keepers Program

In order for a tree to grow and thrive and provide shade and numerous other health benefits, it needs to survive its first couple of years after planting. During that crucial time, it needs care and watering, especially during Wilmington's hot summer months.

The Alliance for Cape Fear Trees plants a lot of trees. In its brief 8 year history, it's directly planted over 1,200 trees and helped plant another 1,800. That's a lot of trees to care for and water.

The Alliance has a "Tree Steward" Program where trained volunteers go around and water, mulch, prune, and otherwise maintain the trees we plant. However, the Tree Stewards can only cover so many trees, and that's where the "Tree Keeper" Program comes in.


"Tree Keepers" are residents who agree to care for trees planted in front of their home and nearby. It's a great way to contribute to the health and well-being of your neighborhood.

Here’s what a Tree Keeper does:


  • Monitors how the tree is growing

  • Checks the soil and waters if needed (or fill the water bag if one is left on your tree).

  • Monitors the condition of the mulch around the tree, and adds some if needed (leaves and pine needles work), or lets us know so a Tree Steward can mulch it. Mulching is important for a healthy tree.

  • Pulls any weeds growing out of the mulched areas

  • Lets us know if the tree looks like it is struggling.


If you are interested in being a Tree Keeper:

Send us an email at and include your name, the address your tree is planted in front of, and ideally a picture of it.


If you are not interested in being a Tree Keeper but just want to report a problem:

Send us an email at and include the address the tree is planted in front of, and ideally a picture of it. You can also call us at (910) 506-8371‬.

Alliance for Cape Fear Trees

7 Beauregard Drive, Suite 2

Wilmington, NC 28412

© 2025 by Alliance for Cape Fear Trees

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